NorthwestAugust 13, 2022

Career 30-year law enforcement officer will replace Jenkins

Anthony Kuipers For the Tribune
Jake Opgenorth is sworn in as police chief Friday by Mayor Glenn Johnson in the Council Chamber Room at Pullman City Hall in Pullman.
Jake Opgenorth is sworn in as police chief Friday by Mayor Glenn Johnson in the Council Chamber Room at Pullman City Hall in Pullman.Zach Wilkinson/Tribune
Shelley Opgenorth places a badge on her husband, Pullman Police Chief Jake Opgenorth, after he's sworn into his role with the department.
Shelley Opgenorth places a badge on her husband, Pullman Police Chief Jake Opgenorth, after he's sworn into his role with the department.Zach Wilkinson/Tribune
Family, friends and colleagues of Jake Opgenorth are in attendance as he’s sworn in as Pullman’s police chief by Mayor Glenn Johnson.
Family, friends and colleagues of Jake Opgenorth are in attendance as he’s sworn in as Pullman’s police chief by Mayor Glenn Johnson.Zach Wilkinson/Tribune
Pullman Police Chief Jake Opgenorth and his wife, Shelley, smile at one another as Mayor Glenn Johnson officially signs Opgenorth into his new role with the department.
Pullman Police Chief Jake Opgenorth and his wife, Shelley, smile at one another as Mayor Glenn Johnson officially signs Opgenorth into his new role with the department.Zach Wilkinson/Tribune
Former Pullman Police Chiefs Gary Jenkins, left, and Ted Weatherly, right, congratulate Jake Opgenorth after he is sworn into his new position as chief.
Former Pullman Police Chiefs Gary Jenkins, left, and Ted Weatherly, right, congratulate Jake Opgenorth after he is sworn into his new position as chief.Zach Wilkinson/Tribune
Pullman Police Chief Jake Opgenorth poses for a picture with his wife, Shelley, and kids, Reagen, 17, and Tyler, 16, after being sworn into his new role with the department Friday.
Pullman Police Chief Jake Opgenorth poses for a picture with his wife, Shelley, and kids, Reagen, 17, and Tyler, 16, after being sworn into his new role with the department Friday.Zach Wilkinson/Tribune
Former Pullman Police Chiefs Gary Jenkins, left, and Ted Weatherly, right, pose for a picture with Pullman’s newly appointed chief, Jake Opgenorth.
Former Pullman Police Chiefs Gary Jenkins, left, and Ted Weatherly, right, pose for a picture with Pullman’s newly appointed chief, Jake Opgenorth.Zach Wilkinson/Tribune

PULLMAN — According to a former Pullman Police chief, Jake Opgenorth had big aspirations since he joined the police department in 1992.

“Chief (Ted) Weatherly just reminded me, ‘Do you remember when you were new and you told me one day you’re going to be the chief?’ ” Opgenorth said.

Thirty years later, that goal became a reality as Opgenorth was sworn in Friday at Pullman City Hall in front of Weatherly, colleagues and family.

As Opgenorth rose through the ranks of the Pullman Police Department, he saw that the chief position was something he could realistically aim for. He said Weatherly and recently retired Chief Gary Jenkins paved the way for him to allow that opportunity.

“I’m happy,” Opgenorth said. “It’s exciting. Now that all the official steps and ceremonial part is done, I can focus on just doing my job. I’m really excited for where this police department could go. It’s in a perfect place and so we’re set up well for the future and I’m lucky that I inherited such a professional department.”

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Opgenorth is being promoted from the commander position to replace Jenkins, who has served Pullman since 2010. Jenkins was in attendance during Friday’s ceremony.

Opgenorth was selected following a nationwide search for a candidate that first began in 2021. Jenkins postponed his retirement last year to help guide the department through changes caused by Washington’s new police reform laws.

The city then selected Opgenorth, who completed a management program at the FBI Academy.

Jenkins was recently hired as interim police chief at Washington State University. Former WSU Police Chief Bill Gardner, Assistant Chief Steve Hansen and Capt. Mike Larsen retired following an internal investigation that concluded they mishandled a complaint and subsequent punitive action against an officer accused of having sexual relations while on duty at WSU.

Kuipers can be reached at

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