Stories published in the Lewiston Tribune on ...
May 30, 2002
MOSCOW — Imagine surfing the internet while reclining on the lush green grasses gracing the front lawn of the University of Idaho's administration building, or checking email from a Palm Pilot while scurrying between classes. These things and more could be available to UI students this fall if plans for the expansion of the university's wireless network are completed.
Work remains stalled on a $720,532 project to build a tunnel under the Snake River to deliver fresh water to the Port of Wilma, just west of Clarkston.
May 30, 1982
PULLMAN — An infestation of apple maggots could cost Washington's economy $36 million a year by 1985, says a Washington State University economist.
Lewiston's High School bowl team has placed third in the Northwest and has broken all the LHS individual and team records.