Boise’s mayor has yet to lose an election. On Tuesday, she extended the streak.
First-term Mayor Lauren McLean defeated a former police chief intent on unseating her in an election focused on her leadership and the city’s growth. Mike Masterson conceded defeat just before 11 p.m.
With all of the 106 precincts reporting, McLean won with 33,926 votes, 55.4% of the total, while Masterson had 26,542 votes, or 43.2%, according to unofficial results from Ada County. Two other candidates in the race, Joseph Evans and Aaron Reis, had 0.9% and 0.3%, respectively.
“I want to thank the people of Boise for the responsibility you’ve given to me,” McLean told a jubilant crowd at the Lounge at the End of the Universe just after 11 p.m. McLean’s supporters also celebrated the strong performances of the City Council candidates running on her platform.
“She made some tough decisions and the voters rewarded her for it tonight,” said Council Member Colin Nash, whom McLean appointed in April to succeed former Council Member Elaine Clegg, who resigned. Nash won with 4,086 votes, or 45.6% of the total. “They gave her a City Council to keep this work moving, and that’s exactly what we are going to do,” Nash added.
He said that four years ago, when his family was unable to buy a home after he graduated from law school, McLean was the “only person talking about this.”
“Things are looking really, really good,” said Council President Jimmy Hallyburton, whose race was canceled this year because no other candidates registered to run against him. McLean told supporters Tuesday’s race was about “who we are today, who we will be into the future.”
She highlighted building affordable housing, preparing the city for climate change and creating jobs as priorities.
“And yes, we will keep this city safe and we will continue to beat the odds,” McLean said.