A proposed Lewiston City Council resolution supporting the retention of the four lower Snake River dams is on hold pending an open house where both sides can present information.
Lewiston Mayor Dan Johnson had the resolution pulled from the agenda of a March 14 meeting after the council voted Monday to have the open house.
Councilor Rick Tousley made the motion to hold the open house, which hasn’t yet been scheduled. Councilor Kathy Schroeder cast the only opposing vote.
The issue has been in the forefront for more than a year after Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson proposed a $33 billion plan to breach the dams to improve fish habitat.
The council heard from breaching opponents in February and breaching supporters last week. The latter requested an open house.
An open house would give community members a chance to learn more about the complex topic and help the city council understand where Lewiston residents stand, Tousley said.
“I would like to have a poll when they walk in and a poll when they leave and see if anyone’s minds are changed,” he said.
Councilor Luke Blount also backed the open house and said he would like more facts about how much power is used from the dams.
“I’ve heard all sorts of different numbers,” he said. “I’m not sure if they are accurate or not.”
Schroeder disagreed about the necessity of an open house.
“I like outreaches, but where we’ve had the public in front of us on both sides and the public can watch it on streaming, I just think it’s a waste of money at this point,” she said.
Council President Hannah Liedkie suggested formally inviting Simpson or his staff to present his plan to breach the dams and share how the community would be protected during the change.
“I think one thing that we forget is that these dams can be taken out no matter what our position is and our job is to protect our city,” she said.
Liedkie’s idea didn’t move forward with the council. It wasn’t added to the motion about the open house.
After the meeting, Johnson said he will reissue a previous invitation he made in his capacity as an Idaho state senator to Simpson’s staff for Simpson to give a presentation in Lewiston.
It was declined, Johnson said, since Lewiston is in the district of Idaho Rep. Russ Fulcher, not Simpson.
Fulcher’s office indicated there were no concerns about Simpson appearing in Lewiston to discuss breaching, but Simpson has yet to visit Lewiston, Johnson said.
Williams may be contacted at ewilliam@lmtribune.com or (208) 848-2261.