OpinionMarch 18, 2025

Asking more questions

Why are highly-educated doctors presenting COVID-19 shot concerns discredited? Should we ask more questions?

Idaho Sen. Brandon Shippy, R-New Ply-mouth, introduced Senate Bill 1036 to “pause ... administering mRNA vaccines in Idaho” at an informational hearing, with (Texas) Dr. Peter McCullough, who authored/offered “a review of autopsy data regarding COVID-19 vaccines” — though “later removed by ... preprint server” because “study conclusions are not supported by the methodology” (Tribune, Feb. 19).

Interesting. Highly-regarded, extra-impressively-credentialed, “broadly published,” award-winning Dr. McCullough/findings should be heavily-weighted.

An internet article regarding the Washington State Medical Board (striving to remove certain physicians’ medical licenses) condescendingly reduced COVID-19 shot dissenters to “spouting off” — more descriptive of “naughty teenagers” than respectable, caring physicians simply with a differing opinion regarding “practicing medicine.”

The Tribune article referenced the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “documenting ‘rare cases’ of myocarditis ... after COVID-19 vaccines.”

Rare? Rob Finnerty (“Finnerty”) — one example — developed heart problems after taking the COVID-19 shot, regretting it “every day.” (Can we ask ... Dr. Richard Eggleston/his attorney to be guests on “Finnerty” for greater court case exposure?)

Vaccine-injury attorney Aaron Siri and article “... CDC is Hiding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data” (vaccineimpact.com) shares documentary: “COVIDISM (Contagious Deception).”

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer vice president and chief scientific officer ..., and “internationally recognized” Dr. Robert Malone (rwmalonemd.com), who authored “PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order,” are among doctors expressing grave concerns with the COVID-19 injection.

How many COVID-19 shot-linked illnesses/deaths actually occurred? Have we been deceived?

Ronda Granlund

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Keep the migrants

Demon King Donald Trump recently responded to the outcries of his disgruntled groupies over rising prices: “Let ’em eat cake,” says the chief excrement officer, of the deplorables he has always despised.

How did America become a rerun of Trump’s unreality TV show, as we’re handed the biggest doses of caca chicanery in history?

Trump, Elon Musk and MAGA are the biggest sources of waste and fraud in the government, not the fictional excuses they use to attack the government with chain saws and wrecking balls.

Claims that diversity, equity and inclusion led to hiring of unqualified people are ludicrous, considering the laughable clowns currently occupying positions of governmental power at all levels. Claims that firing thousands of IRS workers will improve efficiency are ludicrous, when it prevents the agency from catching rich cheats like Trump who owe billions. And deputizing IRS agents to help arrest and deport migrants will further erode the agency’s ability to enforce financial law.

Robbing the poor to give the rich additional tax cuts on top of the $6 trillion they got in “Dorky’s” first monarchy is sick, sadistic cruelty.

If the rich paid their fair share, funds would be available to help the poor, the homeless, the sick, the underemployed. The inequity must be changed, by any means necessary. Immigrants have made this country great. Can you imagine “Mexican” restaurants serving freeze dried tacos and enchiladas prepared by gringos?

Deport Trump and MAGA. Keep the hard-working migrants. Viva Mexico.

Mike Epstein


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