Demolition of what remains of the former Emperor of India King Thai restaurant building will start today, according to the city of Lewiston.
The work will be done by Crea Construction Inc. for a fee of $132,580. During the demolition of the severely damaged building at 854/858 Main St., the sidewalk in front of the property and the alley behind the property will both be closed, according to a news release from the city.
The city will pay Crea Construction for the work, and the building’s owner, Praveen Khurana, will have 30 days to pay the city, Assistant City Attorney Kayla Hermann said during a recent Lewiston City Council meeting.
If Khurana doesn’t meet the obligation, the city will certify a special assessment to the Nez Perce County tax collector and it would be collected in the same manner as property taxes, Hermann said.
The building was destroyed by a fire in December 2019. The Idaho State Fire Marsh al’s office listed the cause of the fire as “undetermined” in January 2021 after an investigation.
During the demolition work, the city asks that all drivers and pedestrians use caution in the area.
The project is anticipated to be completed roughly two weeks from the start of demolition, according to the city’s news release.