NorthwestSeptember 24, 1999

MOSCOW -- Seven local antique dealers will offer appraisals at the Antiques and Collectibles Fair from 1 to 5 p.m. Oct. 2 at the Eastside Marketplace here.

The proceeds from the fund-raising event will go to the Latah County Historical Society.

Appraisals of jewelry, glassware, textile and furniture based on local prices will be offered by dealers including Nola Johnson, co-owner of Clints and Lam Auction. Johnson has operated Down at the Depot Antiques in Troy for 30 years. Others offering appraisals will be: Dean and Susan Heise of Farmington, Wash., owners of Accidental Antiques; Sue Akin, co-owner of St. Elmos Antiques in Palouse; Darlene and Jerry Hylton , owners of both Now and Then stores in Moscow; and Dolores Hahn, who does estate sales and appraisals from her Moscow home.

The event, modeled on the popular PBS series, "Antiques Roadshow," also will feature information on using the Internet to learn about antiques. The proceeds will be used for the society's conservation and educational programs.

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The $5 admission fee for adults includes appraisal of one item. Two appraisals are $9, three are $12, and each additional one costs $3. Admission for children ages 6 to 16 is $2.50, or free if they bring their collectibles. Children under 6 will get in free.

Also offered at the fair is a display of historic photos and artifacts, including one devoted to Mickey Mouse, as well as tips on how to preserve your antiques.

Those interested may call 882-1004 for more information.

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