A controversy at the Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport involving a Federal Aviation Administration investigation is continuing.
The airport authority board that oversees the transportation hub approved sending a letter Tuesday to Lewiston Mayor Michael Collins complaining about an attempt by Lewiston City Manager Alan Nygaard to learn about what turned out to be the investigation.
The FAA sent a letter to the airport Aug. 28, announcing that it is looking at allegations of security issues and use of airport resources for functions not related to aviation.
The airport has disputed the allegations and plans to respond to the FAA on or before a Nov. 16 deadline.
The issues the FAA is examining were raised by Robin Turner, a former Lewiston airport manager, who alleges, among other things, that board chairman Gary Peters has used an airport hangar for political party gatherings, airport board-sponsored public hearings and a public memorial service.
The city of Lewiston is following what happens because it owns the airport with Nez Perce County. The board is comprised of two members chosen by the Lewiston City Council, two selected by the Nez Perce County Commission and a fifth picked by other board members.
Two days before the FAA announcement of the investigation, Nygaard sent an email to the FAA.
He asked if there were “issues that we at the city should be working on” after the city had received a “number” of phone calls about what was described as an FAA letter that requested the city to address airport issues.
He was writing the email, Nygaard said, to fulfill a promise he made to members of the city council he didn’t name.
The FAA responded to Nygaard on the same day, including Airport Director Michael Isaacs in its reply, indicating it was reviewing allegations to see which ones “are appropriate for investigation and those that may be dismissed.”
The airport board is requesting that Nygaard send any future questions he has about airport activity to Isaacs.
The FAA prefers it when the entities involved with the airport follow the chain of command and initiate communication with the FAA through the airport, said airport authority board member Chris Hayes.
The board’s letter quotes the joint powers agreement governing the airport, noting it gives the board broad powers that include the management, control and supervision of all the business and affairs of the airport.
“Despite the JPA’s delegation of authority, Mr. Nygaard asked the FAA if there was ‘someone else’ he should be contacting while circumventing the board vested with the management and control of the airport,” according to the letter.
Collins, who attended the Tuesday meeting via Zoom, said a conversation he had with Nygaard likely was a reason the city manager sent the email.
Collins said he had no bad intentions, but wanted to be sure the city wasn’t overlooking something it should be doing.
“I don’t want to see the relationship we have built go backwards,” he said.
In other business, the board approved a $97,510 bid for Albright to do more work on the south side of the airport that is being developed for aviation businesses and hangars.
The money will pay for installation of two fire hydrants, storm drains, utilities and paving. The work will make it possible for the first tenant in the area, Redline Aviation, to occupy its building, and benefit future tenants, Peters said.
The money is in addition to another $100,000 of work that was done by the airport for tasks such as moving dirt on the site.
The board also elected officers for the coming year, choosing to retain Peters as chairman and Mandy Miles as vice chairman. Katie Seekins, who had been serving as secretary, will also be treasurer. The board will revisit its choices when the city of Lewiston fills a seat that opened on the board when Deb Smith resigned.
Williams may be contacted at ewilliam@lmtribune.com or (208) 848-2261.