Local NewsMarch 16, 2025

Nez Perce County Commission

Time: 1:30 p.m. Monday

Place: Second floor of the Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St.


Sales agreement between Nez Perce County and Reassurance Solutions – action item.

Change order to an agreement between owner and contractor for construction contract (stipulated price) between Nez Perce County and Knife River Corporation-Mountain West for Webb Road Phase 2A project – action item.

Authorization of Nez Perce County’s Auditor’s office to destroy financial records pursuant to Idaho code – action item.

Findings of fact, conclusions of law and decision on application on request to waive the administrative land division requirements to create two residential parcels and a remainder parcel pursuant to Nez Perce County development code – action item.

Resolution for determination and disposition of surplus property of Nez Perce County – action item.

Other commission meetings on the second floor of the Brammer Building:

Time: 3 p.m. Monday


Weekly meeting with the prosecutor, including URA discussion and executive session for personnel.

Time: 10 a.m. Wednesday


Planning & Building update, including consideration of Wegner, (Southwick Road) request to waive administrative land division requirement that a survey of all subject properties be completed, that a new metes-and-bounds legal description be created for the remainder parcels and that a 10-foot utility easement be required on the frontages of the remainder property.

Time: 2 p.m. Tuesday


EMS contract discussion.

Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District

Time: 6 p.m. Monday and Wednesday

Place: 1522 Powers Ave., Lewiston


District manager report on irrigation and capital project.

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation water exchange alternatives – 30% design of a river pumping station – action item.

Professional services contract with JoAnn Cole-Hansen – action item.

Executive session for pending litigation.

Asotin County Commission

Time: 6:30 p.m. Monday

Place: Courthouse Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin


First Step Internet service agreement – action item.

Consideration of resolution that would establish Bennet Hill Drive as a county road – action item.

Consideration of resolution that would establish 23rd Street as a county road – action item.

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Consideration of resolution that would establish Arkenstone Court as a county road – action item.

SETWorks service agreement renewal – action item.

Consideration of Asotin County Fair sponsorship agreements – action item.

Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport Authority board

Time: 3 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Conference room of administration building, 3632 Stearman St., Lewiston


O’Connor lot proposal.

City of Lewiston leases.

Budget timeline.

Sublease between Maiorana and Wohl – action item.

Purchase of coffee machine for secure area – action item.

Executive session for pending litigation.

Lewiston City Library – Board of Trustees

Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Place: Lewiston City Library, 411 D St.


Director’s report, including grants, facilities update, survey results suggestions, event space presentation hardware.

E-rate bid review – action item.

Fiscal year 2026 budget discussion.

Early closure of the second floor on April 26 – action item.

Arrow Junction Fire Protection District

Time: 6 p.m. Wednesday

Place: Arrow Junction Fire Protection District Fire Station, 24700 Hewett Road


Dave Flaig report on Gwen Fire meetings.

Equipment maintenance and needs.


Schedule work day to clean station and finish addition

Port of Lewiston Commission

Time: Noon Wednesday

Place: Port of Lewiston office, 1626 Sixth Ave. N, Lewiston


Reports on dock, warehouse, cruise passenger facilities and fiber optic network.

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