Pullman schools have strengthened student cellphone use restrictions.
Pullman School Board documents show officials revised the policy on student cellphone usage during a regular board meeting Wednesday.
The change follows a recommendation by the Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction, which advises schools statewide to tighten cell phone rules to improve student learning, according to the documents.
Smart device and social media use has increased among youths in recent years. The documents say more restrictions on cell phones has the potential to improve concentration, learning and mental health.
The revision bans elementary and middle school students from using their devices for the entire school day, according to the documents. Before, cell phones were prohibited during class, but they could use them during lunch breaks and between classes.
There were no changes for high school students. They are still able to use cell phones during lunch and between classes, according to the documents.
Students will have their phones and devices taken away until the end of the day if they break the rules.