Local NewsNovember 1, 2024


Market: Steady on Calves and Yearlings. Cows 4 to 6 lower.

851 head sold.


Stock Cows N/A; Pairs N/A; Baby Calves 300 to 700; Bulls 115 to 132; Feeders 110 to 130; Breaking 95 to 105; Boning 105 to 118; Canners 75 to 95.


Mare 400 to 1,800; Geldings 400 to 1,800.

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Barrows and Gilts no 1 and 2: 90 to 110; Barrows and Gilts no 3: 90 to 110; Light Hogs: N/A; Feeders: 70 to 100; Boars: 5 to 25; Sows: 30 to 50; Weaners: 20 to 50.


Feeder Lambs: 140 to 187; Choice Slaughter Lambs: 120 to 138; Ewes: N/A; Cull Ewes: 60 to 80.


Meat Goats: 150 to 290; Nanny: 80 to 150; Kid: 20 to 45; Wethers: 140 to 150.

Comments: Special Feeder Sale Nov. 6.

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