Local NewsNovember 5, 2024

He made his endorsement of Carter-Goodheart on Oct. 16

Lewiston Tribune
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Ryan Augusta, who was running as an independent write-in candidate for the Idaho District 6A House seat, recently endorsed one of his opponents, Democrat Trish Carter-Goodheart.

Election Day is today, and the race for the seat is between Carter-Goodheart and Republican incumbent Lori McCann.

Augusta, who lives in Moscow, said he made his endorsement of Carter-Goodheart on Oct. 16. Carter-Goodheart informed the Tribune about the endorsement Monday. It can be found on his website at augustaforidaho.com/blog.

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“At Augusta for Idaho, our mission has always been to elevate the voices of Idahoans, particularly those from rural and underserved areas,” Augusta wrote. “Trish shares this commitment wholeheartedly, advocating for working families, reproductive rights, and access to quality education. Her plans to restore public education funding and promote local job creation will play a crucial role in shaping a brighter, more prosperous District 6.”

Augusta said Monday he didn’t necessarily pull out of the race and plans on leaving his campaign website active, but he felt this election was “her time,” in reference to Carter-Goodheart.

“I think Trish is the best candidate,” he said. “I think she’s a wonderful steward for the district.”

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