Local NewsMarch 8, 2020

P.E.O., Chapter Q, Lewiston

There were 11 members at the chapter’s Feb. 18 meeting at Lewiston’s Congregational-Presbyterian Church. Margaret Duncan, Gini Ripley and Suzanne Orwig served as hosts.

Prior to the meeting, President Beth Atkinson presented a program titled “My Funny Valentine” from the musical production of “Babes in Arms.”

The group has received invitations from Chapter AB in Moscow to their April 4 Founders Day Celebration and to “Sunshine Smiles & Sisterhood,” the Idaho State Convention in Burley May 14-17. PEO International sent a thank you for the chapter’s donation to the Program for Continuing Education honoring Therese Roemer.

Atkinson explained the centennial yearbooks will list the names of the chapter founders inside, and told those present some details about chapter history. Members were invited to select a cookie recipe from a past chapter recipe book to prepare for the centennial celebration.

Christi Severance reminded members that the chapter will be selling peonies and daisies again this year. Members also were told about the possibility of future bunco and bingo gatherings. Peggy Fulton displayed a magnetic nametag for members to consider for purchase.

Atkinson shared her President’s Letter, summarizing the past year.

The next meeting is March 17 at the Congregational-Presbyterian Church. Kathy Johnson will be host with Cheryl Bening and Cindy Wolf as co-hosts.

Xi Chapter, Alpha Delta Kappa

Ten members of Xi Chapter were joined by seven members of Clarkston’s Beta Beta Chapter at the Feb. 15 meeting held at Lewiston’s Red Lion Hotel.

Sharon Sheahan gave an opening devotional, and the hosts were Colleen Mahoney, Josie Marshall and Cottie Hood.

Guest speaker was Debbie Kolstadt, director of student housing at Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, and she spoke about the new “Living and Learning” housing program for elementary education majors which begins in August.

Chapter members also gave a program about the 2020 census.

President Kathy McIntosh encouraged members to participate in the YWCA’s annual soup fundraiser, which was held Feb. 28.

Rona Meske and Sharon Sheahan won traveling baskets.

The next meeting is 9:30 a.m. March 21 at the Red Lion.

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Newcomers Bridge Club

Members gathered for bridge games Feb. 27 at the Clarkston Country Club.

Lois Schaff won first place, and Charlotte Medina won second place. Sandi Campbell and Joan Nuxoll were the hosts.

The next meeting is 11 a.m. March 26 at the Clarkston Country Club.

P.E.O., Chapter BL

There were 16 members present at the chapter’s meeting held Tuesday at the home of Helen Gleason with Kathy Warnock serving as vice president pro tem.

Chaplain Glenna Chapman conducted the devotions.

Officer reports were given and Treasurer Sylvia Russell reported five members had perfect attendance this year: Peggy Gage, Stephanie Herbert, Russell, Lois Chesnut and Gleason. Three members missed only one meeting: President Marilyn Hinman, Chapman and Barbara Riggs.

Barbara Riggs, corresponding secretary, read an invitation for a 100th birthday party from Chapter Q on May 31, a card from Mary McNish, and a letter from Ann Young reporting she has accepted an invitation to transfer to Chapter BB in Portland.

Gage thanked Gleason and Chapman, and said she needs three more co-hosts on the signup sheet for meetings through next year. She also passed around the list of committees for the members to review.

Marilyn Carlson said she mailed a card to Margaret Dammarell at her new address, and asked members for approval to send a donation of $25 in honor of Hinman, outgoing president, to the project of her choice.

Herbert reported that the information about Treana Hanson’s $1,200 scholarship had published under School News in the Feb. 23 edition of the Lewiston Tribune. She has also submitted the information to the Lewis-Clark State College student newspaper, the Pathfinder, which has posted online but not in the print edition. She also plans to visit the LCSC Financial Aid office to connect with them.

Hinman told about the Founders Day Luncheon in Orofino, the Chapter House newsletter, about an April 4 Founders Day event in Moscow and about Proposed Amendments to Part III and to the Standing Rules of the P.E.O. Constitution. Chapter members voted to pass the amendments.

A voice vote for all officers was approved by the chapter for the following offices for the 2020-2021 year: Carlson, president; Hinman, vice president and delegate to Idaho State Convention; Chapman, recording secretary; Russell, treasurer; Stephanie Herbert, corresponding secretary; Laura Storrs, chaplain; Karen Van Stone, guard; and Mary McNish, alternative convention delegate. Warnock installed the new officers.

Following the meeting, Chapman and Gleason served pineapple cake and treats.

The next meeting is 1 p.m. March 17 at Gleason’s home.

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