Local NewsDecember 19, 2021

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Alice Whitman Chapter

Regent Mary Krempasky presided at the group’s Nov. 20 meeting. Vice Regent Judy Higgins acted as recording secretary pro tem at the meeting with 20 members and two prospective members attending.

Krempasky and Sadie Walters, honorary regent, led the DAR Ritual. Krempasky led the Pledge of Allegiance, Kathy Hilton led the American’s Creed and Becky Riendeau, treasurer, led “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Becky Mahurin, the chapter’s Quilts of Valor liaison, introduced Kelly McKeehan of the Lewis-Clark Valley Quilts of Valor group. McKeehan gave a short presentation about the origins of the QOV and presented 18 veterans with their quilts.

Julie Riendeau, honorary regent, read the president general’s message. Paula Prewett, National Defense chairwoman, posted her report online.

Officer reports were provided by Higgins; Lindsey Woltering, chaplain; Darlene Larson, corresponding secretary; Becky Riendeau; and Joye Dillman, librarian.

Committee reports were given by Dillman, American Heritage Committee and DAR Museum Committee chairwoman; Krempasky, Native American Moment; Suzanne Grove, Commemorative Events Committee chairwoman; Gayle Pint, DAR Project Patriot Committee chairwoman; Judi Wutzke, DAR Service for Veterans Committee and Literacy Promotion Committee chairwoman; Polly Franzen, U.S. Flag Report Committee chairwoman; Julie Riendeau, DAR Leadership Training Committee chairwoman; and Prewett, Insignia Committee chairwoman.

Krempasky gave a detailed report on the chapter’s involvement with the Wreaths Across America project coordinating with the Idaho State Veterans Home at Lewiston.

Krempasky reported the Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit is coming to Idaho next summer and Krempasky and Wutzke have received interest in seeing the exhibit make a stop in Lewiston.

Krempasky asked members how many plan to attend the state conference, and eight said they planned to attend. Then Krempasky presented a request from the Idaho State Organizing chairwoman to support a new chapter called Freeze Out Hill in Emmett, Idaho, with a “startup” gift. Members voted approval to sponsor a new engraved gavel not to exceed $50.

Tsceminicum Club

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Members donated food items and cash as part of the club’s drive for donations to the Community Action Food Bank in Lewiston. The items were dropped off at the homes of Peggy Fulton and Diane Fernandez.

On Dec. 2, Fulton, Fernandez and Mary Jo Furstenau delivered the donations to the food bank, where they were weighed and totaled. Nearly 400 pounds of food and $400 were donated.

On Dec. 11, members gathered for a no-host social at Lindsay Creek Vineyards Tasting Room in Lewiston to exchange holiday greetings.

Lewis-Clark Duplicate Bridge Club

Members met for games on Wednesdays during November at the Valley Community Center in Clarkston. The winners were:

Nov. 3 and 17 — Cathy Goetz and Marilyn Park; Nov. 10 — Karen Eveland and Bob Burton; Nov. 24 — Renee Petersen and Joan Zinn.

Lewis-Clark Toastmasters

Larry Ferguson and Pete Gertonson shared the role of toastmaster for the club’s Dec. 9 meeting.

Bruce Neu was speaker and his speech title was “Continuation of Lost in the Desert.” Chance Brumley evaluated his speech.

David Carringer was grammarian and the word of the day was “eloquent.”

Vic Racicot led table topics, Tom Eier was general evaluator and Patti Mann was invocation/timer.

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