Clarkston City Council meetings will be held on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. An incorrect day of the week was reported in the original version of this story. The story has been corrected.
Clarkston officials are keeping the number of marijuana stores inside city limits at three.
The system works well and doesn’t need to be tweaked, officials said at Monday’s council meeting. However, an ordinance outlining the licensing and operation was approved to preempt any changes at the state level.
Legislation that could change the allowable distance between pot shops and schools is under consideration in Olympia, said city attorney Suni Hanson.
If it drops from 1,000 feet to 500 feet to sensitive areas, retailers may try to open businesses outside of the tight space designated by the city several years ago, Hanson said.
The stores are located on the 700 block of Fifth and Sixth streets in the downtown corridor, not far from City Hall. A thorough study was conducted before those sites were approved, the city attorney said.
Police Chief Joel Hastings said the three stores work well in their respective locations, and it’s a benefit to have them so close to the police station. The business owners have done a good job with security, and public safety has not been a major issue.
Mayor Monika Lawrence said Clarkston’s new ordinance needed to be in place before any statewide decisions are made. Everything will stay the same as it is now, she said.
Cannabis retailers in the audience nodded their heads in approval as the ordinance was passed with a 6-0 vote.
In other city business:
City council meetings could be starting at 5:30 p.m. from now on instead of 7. The proposed change will be up for a second reading at the next meeting.
The earlier start time would make it easier on city staffers who stay late for the meetings, which are held on the second and fourth Mondays of the month.
Under the consent agenda, a special event permit for Celebrate Love was approved for Chroma LCV. The pride celebration will take place on Sept. 13 at Beachview Park.
The Public Works Committee met last week, according to the minutes. Members discussed the placement of a recycling dumpster at Arnold Park and determined that was the best spot for the bin.
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