Local NewsAugust 1, 2021

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Aug. 1, 1961

The grain harvest in the lowlands around Lewiston is virtually over, Joe Schmidt, manager of the Lewiston Grain Growers, said last night. He said just a few loads continue to come to the Lewiston grain elevator.

Loads of wheat and barley began to drop off to a noticeable degree Friday, and by yesterday the grain flow into the elevator was almost nil.

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Mrs. Virginia Whitcomb, grain inspector at the Lewiston Grain Inspection Service, said yesterday that the wheat and barley samples are somewhat heavier than those received from the upper country. She noted the heavier barley is the quality used for malting purposes.


CULDESAC — Walter Asbe will be Culdesac High School principal this fall, and L.R. Davis will continue as grade school principal it was announced Monday by Von Dickinson, newly installed superintendent of schools.

Asbe came to the school last year from Iowa and taught grade school music and high school band and chorus, as well as psychology and citizenship. He was graduated from Kanawaha High School in Iowa and attended Waldorf Junior College at Forest City. He received his bachelor of arts degree from Luther College at Decorah, Iowa. In that state, he taught vocal music for one year at Ridgeway High School, and vocal and band at McGregor High School for three years. He is married and has two children, Holly, 3, and Douglas, 8 months.

Davis will be serving his sixth year as grade school principal here. Previously he spent 11 years at Pierce in the same position and three years teaching at Greer. He attended Lewiston Normal School and the University of Idaho. He and Mrs. Davis have a grown family. The grade school program for the year is mostly completed with an expected increase of 15 to 20 students over last year, according to Davis.

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