Local NewsSeptember 29, 2024

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Sept. 29, 1984

The Idaho Fish and Game Department has postponed the beginning of a bighorn sheep study in Hells Canyon for a month, spokesman Rod Nichols said.

The delay was made because of schedule problems for biologists who were to participate this weekend and to eliminate any possible conflicts with the big game seasons under way in the area, Nichols said.

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The department plans to kill several bighorns in the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area. The department will kill only diseased sheep to determine what is responsible for the deaths of as many as a dozen sheep earlier this year.


The Rev. Mark Brewster, a native of Tacoma, Wash., is the new pastor of the Orchards Community Church in Lewiston. He succeeds the Rev. Robert Compton, who has moved to Keizer, Ore., to serve a church there.

Brewster came here from Portland, where he had been for the past five years. A 1977 graduate of Multnomah School of the Bible, he served as associate pastor at the church at Wenatchee for two years. He then returned to Portland to attend Western Conservative Baptist Seminary and serve a Portland church while attending school. He graduated from the school in 1982.

The Lewiston church is his first position as senior pastor.

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