CANYON CREEK CANAL CO INC, 13289 E HWY 33, NEWDALE, ID 83436 has filed Application No. 89321 for changes to the following water rights within FREMONT, MADISON County(s): Right No(s). 22-195, 22-196; to see a full description of these rights and the proposed transfer, please see
transfers. The purpose of the transfer is to change a portion of the above rights as follows:
remove point of injection, correct point of diversion and add points of diversion. Proposed points of diversion are in Lot 4 Sec 6 T05N R43E (Canyon Creek Canal), NWSE (P Stevens Pump) and SWSE (Creek pump near exchange well) Sec 13 T06N R42E, Lot 2 (SWNW) Sec 19 T06N R43E (G Crapo Pump), and 3 pump stations located on the Teton River: SENE Sec 30 (Canyon Creek Lateral Pumps), NWSE Sec 23 (V Schwendiman Pump) (new), and SWNW Sec 21 T07N R42E (RB Ricks Pump) (new). Diversions are for 70 cfs. The water source is Canyon Creek.
For additional information concerning the property location, contact Eastern Region office at (208)525-7161. Protests may be submitted based on the criteria of Idaho Code Sec. 42-222. Any protest against the proposed change must be filed with the Department of Water Resources, Eastern Region, 900 N SKYLINE DR STE A, IDAHO FALLS ID 83402-1718 together with a protest fee of $25.00 for each application on or before 10/21/2024. The protestant must also send a copy of the protest to the applicant.
Published on 10/3/2024 and 10/10/2024