StoriesNovember 15, 2020

Jay Inslee
Jay Inslee

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced a new round of COVID-19 restrictions this morning, most of which will take effect at 11:59 p.m. Monday.

During a virtual news conference this morning, Inslee said that Saturday's case total of 2,200-plus was the most of the pandemic, and Sunday's total might be higher.

"Inaction here is not an option," Inslee said. "We have to take bold, decisive action, and we are doing that today."

Below is the list of restrictions, which will be in effect until Dec. 14:

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  • Inslee ordered restaurants and bars to shut down indoor service and to limit outdoor service to parties of five or less. Indoor gyms and fitness centers must also shut down, along with movie theaters, bowling alleys and museums.
  • Indoor gatherings, outside one’s household, are prohibited unless participants quarantine for 14 days prior to the gathering or quarantine for seven days prior and receive a negative COVID-19 test within two days of the planned gathering.
  • Outdoor social gatherings should be limited to no more than five people from outside your household, Inslee said.
  • Religious services can continue, but must limit indoor attendance to 25 percent of capacity, or 200 people, whatever is less, Inslee said. Masks must be worn at all times and choirs, bands and congregational singing will be prohibited.
  • Wedding and funeral ceremonies will be limited to 30 people. Receptions will be prohibited.
  • Retail stores, including grocery stores, and malls must limit occupancy to 25 percent and must close food court seating.
  • Offices are required to mandate employees work from home, if possible, and must limit occupancy to 25 percent if they remain open. They must be closed to the public.
  • Long-term care facilities can accept visitors only in outdoor settings, with limited exceptions for end-of-life care and essential support personnel.
  • Personal services, such as barber shops and salons, are limited to 25 percent capacity.
  • Real estate open houses are prohibited. Youth and adult sports are limited to outdoor only intrateam practices and athletes must wear masks.

For more on this story, see Monday's Tribune.

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