Local NewsAugust 10, 2020

The Associated Press

This story was published in the Aug. 10, 1963, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.


From around the world Friday came expressions of sympathy assuring President and Mrs. Kennedy that others share their grief at the death of their new son, Patrick Bouvier.

The infant, the first family’s third child, was born prematurely on Wednesday and died early Friday morning, ending more than 39 hours of anxious watchfulness which millions of people also had shared with the chief executive and his wife, Jacqueline.

From tho Vatican, Pope Paul VI sent a private telegram of condolence to the President and Mrs. Kennedy.

Richard Cardinal Cushing, Roman Catholic archbishop of Boston will officiate at private funeral services for the baby on Saturday.

When the Senate convened in Washington at noon, Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana said: “I know I speak for the Senate, the Congress and the people of the nation and the world in expressing a deep sense of sadness at tho untimely passing of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, son of the President.”

The House of Representatives was not in session.

Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York sent a message of condolence. As was true in many other cases, it was not made public because of its personal nature.

Flags At Half Staff

Indiana’s Gov. Matthew E. Welsh ordered flags at the statehouse in Indianapolis flown at half staff. He also sent a telegram saying: “Mrs. Welsh and I extend to you our sincere condolences on the death of your son. I am sure all the people of Indiana join with us in this expression of sympathy.”

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From Helsinki, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and his wife, Lady Dorothy Macmillan, sent a private expression of sympathy.

France’s President Charles de Gaulie and Madame de Gaulle sent a message of condolence.

The news took first place in European newspapers. In London it look precedence over Britain’s great train robbery. The Evening News had a black headline across page one — “Jackie’s Baby Dies.


BOISE (AP) — An expression of sympathy for President and Mrs. Kennedy in the death of their infant son was voiced today by Gov. Robert E. Smylie.

In a telegram to the President and Mrs. Kennedy, Smylie said:

“Mrs. Smylie and our children join me in extending our deepest sympathy and condolence to you and your family on the death of your newborn son and brother. Our prayers are with you in this hour of grief and sorrow.”


HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP) — Only 13 people, all close relatives, have been invited to join President Kennedy Saturday at the private, funeral Mass for his infant son, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy.

Invited to join the President are his two brothers and their wives — Atty. Gen. and Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy and Sen. and Mrs, Edward M, Kennedy; his three sisters and their husbands, Eunice and Sargent Shriver, Jean and Stephen Smith; Patricia and Peter Lawford; Mrs. Kennedy’s mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Auchincloss, and Mrs. Kennedy’s sister, Princess Lee Radziwill.

Press secretary Pierre Salinger said one or more of them will stay with Mrs. Kennedy at the Otis Air Force Base Hospital during the ceremony.

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