MOSCOW — Nearly 30 courses begin in March at the University of Idaho.
The classes include jazz piano; stained glass; a couples workshop for relationship enhancement; Monsters and Make believe (computers for youngsters in grades 3 through 6); juggling; housemending (home repair for women); and birch willow wreath.
Also offered will be WordPerfect 5.0 advanced for professional papers; Global Warming A Hot Issue; Catch of the Day; build-your-own robot workshop (a parent-child experience); Kokondo karate women’s self-defense seminar; the Nez Perce Indians; preventive medicine; and vaccination and deworming.
Other classes will include woodworking for kids; a pruning workshop; database principles (novice); desktop publishing with WordPerfect (intermediate); dental care and common ophthalmic disorders in the horse; conflict in the Near East; The Israeli-Palestinian struggle; and I Can’t Even Draw a Straight Line.
There will be an aviation pilot school; active parenting II; and Camcorder Cram!
Dates, times and more information can be obtained by contacting the UI Enrichment Program.
This story was published in the Feb. 25, 1990, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.