City of Lewiston
Alan Nickell, 419 Linden Drive, basement remodel creating new bedrooms, $15,000.
Thomas Kurdy, 1106 11th St., kitchen remodel, $3,000.
Blue Ribbon Linen Co., 2322 16th Ave., update commercial restrooms, $47,800.
City of Lewiston and Nez Perce County, 940 O’Connor Road, construction of two, 6-foot walls, $18,000.
Wesley and Heidijo Gossage, 1822 Burrell Ave., single-family dwelling, $850,000.
Melanie Israel, 1433 Ripon Ave., addition of residential dining room, $28,000.
Gregory Vanwagenen, 612 Airway Ave., replacement of residential windows and doors, $32,349.
Keith Everhart, 2508 Sixth Ave., replacement of residential drywall, windows and insulation, $70,000.
Gerald and Maureen Hewett, 3510 Ninth St., residential shop, $56,000.
Steven Leto, 431 13th St., addition to residential garage, $15,000.
Lewiston Clarkston Partners in Habitat for Humanity, 2200 Eighth Ave., interior commercial remodel, $80,000.
S & J Teng LLC, 719 Seventh St., Suite 3, addition of wall to create two tenant spaces, no value listed.
Steve and Michelle Lustig, 337 W. Swallows View Drive, residential kitchen remodel, $20,000.
Todd Professional Building LLC, 222 Southway Ave., commercial renovation of second floor, including removal of walls and addition of coffee bar, $25,000.
Asotin County
Daniel Standerfer, 1547 Seventh Ave., Clarkston, deck, $10,912.
Te Amo Rapids LLC, 2444 Legacy Court, Clarkston, single-family residence, $187,014.
Te Amo Rapids LLC, 2445 Legacy Court, Clarkston, single-family residence, $240,054.