BusinessFebruary 23, 2025

City of Lewiston

Stephen and Alta Carter, 3419 16th St., replace 11 residential windows, $9,800.

Protestant Episcopal Church, 812 Seventh Ave., construction of deck with railings, $9,000.

MPT of Lewiston-RCCH, 415 Sixth St., second-floor reception area and nurse station remodel at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center, $12,000.

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Wayne Scott/Baridaho LLC, 119 New Sixth St., Suite 100, conversion of commercial space to beer and wine bar, $5,000.

Bedrock LLC, 2632 Nez Perce Drive, Famous Footwear remodel, $110,597.

Leanne and Christopher Coupe, 1412 Grelle Ave., replace residential roof sheathing, $6,888.

Preston and Kristin Comstock, 434 Preston Ave., single-family dwelling, $616,665.

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