Members of the Lewiston High School junior varsity tennis team assembled on the school’s tennis courts for this photo in 2002. Pictured are, front row, from left: Meghan Jeffreys, Laura England, Katie Laufenburg, Ali Storey, Christine Smith, Kelsey Hall, Bridget Schwartz, Susan Westfall and Erika Kinzer; middle row: Trevor Burr, John Rudolph, Kyle Seidel, Meagan Forge, Brina Luthy, Amanda Schmidt, Lisa Ewing, Lyndsey Riggers, Luke Winter, Michelle Peters, Alyssa Hasenoehrl, Katarina Kaiser and Rocky Buruse; back row: Courtney Kolb (coach), Bill Pluto, Evan Berg, Miles Forsmann, Josh Peters, Carole Vaessen, Ryan Keller, Scott Vogel, Shera Smith, Michael Ohman, Kathryn Radakovich and Scott Grimm. This photo was submitted by Betty Peters, of Lewiston, mother of Michelle and Josh Peters. Readers who would like to share their historical photos (20 years or older) from throughout the region may do so by emailing them to or submitting them to: Blast from the Past, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. Questions? Call Jeanne M. DePaul at (208) 848-2221.