Blast from the Past / 1970s: Friends visiting from Bovill
A group of friends and members of the Ladies Aid Group from Bovill Presbyterian Church visited another friend's home in Lewiston in the 1970s. Pictured are, back row from left, Audrey Jain, Pete Smith, Karen Eggers; and front row, Susan Brady, Nora Hays, Lil Yangel. The group was visiting and enjoying some cake at Hays' home. Readers who would like to share their historical photos (20 years or older) from throughout the region may do so by emailing them to or submitting them to: Blast from the Past, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. Questions? Call Jeanne M. DePaul at (208) 848-2221.Submitted by Karen Eggers, of Bovill
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