Local NewsMarch 25, 2023

This home in the 500 block of Miller Street in Lewiston is shown in about 1909. Constructed in 1905 by Lewiston contractor and former mayor William Skinner, the residence was, for a few years, known as "Bachelors' Paradise," the home of a group of local, unmarried men, according to Steven Branting, a Lewiston historian who submitted this photo and provided details about it. The building seen in the upper right of the photo originally was Reid Hall, Idaho's first men's dormitory. The building was cut in half by Skinner's crews to create two large homes and moved to the site in 1909 from the campus of Lewiston State Normal School (now Lewis-Clark State College). This is courtesy of the Harry Dundas Collection in Kamloops, British Columbia. Readers who would like to share their historical photos (20 years or older) from throughout the region may do so by emailing them to blasts@lmtribune.com or submitting them to: Blast from the Past, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. Questions? Call Jeanne M. DePaul at (208) 848-2221.
This home in the 500 block of Miller Street in Lewiston is shown in about 1909. Constructed in 1905 by Lewiston contractor and former mayor William Skinner, the residence was, for a few years, known as "Bachelors' Paradise," the home of a group of local, unmarried men, according to Steven Branting, a Lewiston historian who submitted this photo and provided details about it. The building seen in the upper right of the photo originally was Reid Hall, Idaho's first men's dormitory. The building was cut in half by Skinner's crews to create two large homes and moved to the site in 1909 from the campus of Lewiston State Normal School (now Lewis-Clark State College). This is courtesy of the Harry Dundas Collection in Kamloops, British Columbia. Readers who would like to share their historical photos (20 years or older) from throughout the region may do so by emailing them to blasts@lmtribune.com or submitting them to: Blast from the Past, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. Questions? Call Jeanne M. DePaul at (208) 848-2221.Harry Dundas Collection, Kamloops, British Columbia
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This home in the 500 block of Miller Street in Lewiston is shown in about 1909. Constructed in 1905 by Lewiston contractor and former mayor William Skinner, the residence was, for a few years, known as “Bachelors’ Paradise,” the home of a group of local, unmarried men, according to Steven Branting, a Lewiston historian who submitted this photo and provided details about it. The building seen in the upper right of the photo originally was Reid Hall, Idaho’s first men’s dormitory. The building was cut in half by Skinner’s crews to create two large homes and moved to the site in 1909 from the campus of Lewiston State Normal School (now Lewis-Clark State College). This is courtesy of the Harry Dundas Collection in Kamloops, British Columbia. Readers who would like to share their historical photos (20 years or older) from throughout the region may do so by emailing them to blasts@lmtribune.com or submitting them to: Blast from the Past, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. Questions? Call Jeanne M. DePaul at (208) 848-2221.

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