Arts & EntertainmentMarch 13, 2025

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Share cute things your kids say

Inland 360 production editor Dallas Marshall shared some adorable kid-isms from her children in a column last week, and we asked our readers to join in the fun.

Several of you submitted cute mispronunciations or mistaken words or phrases from kids in your lives, and we’ve had a hoot reading them. Here’s your reminder to send yours, if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet.

Please have them to us no later than March 21 so we can run some examples in a future issue of Inland 360. Send them, along with your city of residence to or Inland 360, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501.

Performing arts prize applications due soon

High school seniors in Pullman involved in the performing arts can apply through March 28 for the Kiwanis Club of Pullman Performing Arts Prize.

The club awards $600 annually to a high school senior in Pullman (Pullman High School, private high school or home-schooled).

Students with three years of participation in high school music or drama programs can submit: an essay explaining their qualifications, a nomination from a teacher or ensemble director, a recommendation letter from another teacher or adult, and an optional recommendation from a peer in the performing arts, along with an email address and telephone number, to Kiwanis Club of Pullman, attn: Performing Arts Committee, P.O. Box 716, Pullman, WA 99163.

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Moscow Artwalk finale registration is open

Registration is open through May 20 for host locations, food vendors and art vendors participating in the city of Moscow’s Artwalk Season Finale, set for June 26.

Businesses and nonprofit organizations can apply to host artists at The host registration fee is $106 for businesses and $53 for nonprofits.

Registration fees for food or nonalcoholic vendor booth spaces are $84 for vendors 18 and older; youth vendors can participate at no cost. Beer and wine vendor registration also is $84.

Registration for art vendor/demonstrator booth spaces is $53 for business or nonprofit organizations and free for registrants younger than 18.

Artists — visual, literary, culinary and performing arts — interested in showing their work at a host location can check to search for businesses to connect with.

— Inland 360

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