AgricultureSeptember 21, 2024

Michael Dinich Wealth of Geeks
Do Americans know how to eat healthy?
Do Americans know how to eat healthy?Wealth of Geeks

Thirty percent of Americans admit to buying healthy foods just because they’re trendy, according to new research.

A survey of 2,000 adults looked at their food purchasing practices and found that 65% rate their grocery shopping habits as at least somewhat healthy.

When stacked up against other priorities, however, healthiness (18%) came fourth, surpassed by cost (64%), quality (36%), and personal and household preferences (19%).

Conducted by Talker Research for Zeal Creamery, the survey found that still, 82% opt for products that use “healthwashing” terms — labels intended to convey a product’s health benefits — like “multigrain” (33%), “sugar-free” (30%) and “organic” (27%).

Among those terms, others that respondents view positively are “high-in” (31%) and “free-range” (30%).

Above all, the top grocery category Americans would be willing to splurge on is organic produce (25%).

While Americans are most confident in their understanding of “organic” (65%), “sugar-free” (65%) and “multigrain” (64%) products, they’re admittedly less sure when it comes to “reduced” (23%), “fortified with” (22%) and “light” products (21%).

“Healthwashing” and misinformation

With all of the different healthwashing terms out there, nearly a third of those surveyed feel overwhelmed by the labels on their foods while shopping (31%).

For many, this leads to misinformation, like the belief that fresh produce is always healthier than canned, frozen or dried options (38%) and that all processed foods are bad (25%).

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Similarly, a fifth of respondents mistakenly believe that dairy milk alternatives such as soy milk or almond milk are always healthier (21%), while one in eight are under the impression that dairy products are unsustainably farmed.

“The survey results reflect the reality that Americans can be exposed to exaggerated claims about the impact of dairy on the environment versus the positive impacts that pastoral, regenerative farming has on the environment,” says Jason Henshaw, president of Zeal Creamery. “The upside is that there’s a huge opportunity for people to learn about dairy sustainability, regenerative grass-fed farming and how to incorporate that into their choices.”

Sustainability is an important factor for one in six respondents when grocery shopping.

Yet, few survey-takers were aware that products like rice (7%), soybeans (8%), mineral water (8%), and almond milk (10%) are harmful to the environment.

And nearly a fifth view the dairy industry’s impact on greenhouse gas emissions as negative (18%), while most weren’t sure or didn’t believe it had much effect (52%).

The average American thought that the global dairy industry contributed to about 12% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions — three times more than the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reports. Similarly, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found that dairy cows contributed to just 1.3% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

Henshaw points out that a quarter of respondents felt surprised (25%) and a fifth interested (21%) at this revelation, saying, “A lot of Americans enjoy dairy and want to feel good about their food choices.”

Grocery items Americans would spend more money on

Many Americans admit they are willing to pay more for certain grocery items, especially when they view them as healthier choices. For example, 15% of those surveyed say that they’re willing to spend more on organic produce, while 24% say pay more for those items that are “high in” vitamins or nutrients.

When an item is labeled sugar-free, consumers are 21% more likely to spend more money, and 20% are equally willing to shell out more for products that are either reduced in fat or sugar, or labeled as free-range, such as eggs and chicken.

Multigrain products also have a following, with 20% of consumers choosing to pay a bit more. Another 19% lean toward items fortified with extra vitamins and minerals. Organic dairy and “light” products, like low-calorie salad dressings, each attract 16% of shoppers, while pasture-raised items are favored by 12% of those looking for ethical or healthier alternatives.

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