Arts & EntertainmentMarch 11, 2021

This week’s trivia challenge by Sarah Phelan-Blamires, public services librarian at Whitman County Library, tests readers’ knowledge of all things Irish in honor of St. Patrick’s Day on Wednesday. The Whitman County Library’s online trivia challenge takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month on its Facebook page.

1. What is the emblem of Ireland’s most famous stout, Guinness?

2. According to Irish folklore, what is a leprechaun’s occupation?

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3. What Dublin rock group released the hit song “The Boys are Back in Town” in 1976?

4. Legend has it that St. Patrick banished _______ from the island of Ireland.

5. In which Irish city was the Titanic built from 1909-12? (Hint: It is part of Northern Ireland, which belongs to the U.K.) 


1. Harp.

2. A shoemaker or cobbler. Fun fact: In traditional Irish folklore, leprechauns wear red. It wasn’t until the 20th century that they were described as clad in green.

3. Thin Lizzy.

4. Snakes.

5. Belfast.

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